Contact Record

The Contact Record Section has many options that you can configure for the page.
Infusionsoft has one option within the User Settings to specify which Tab to open on the Lower Tabs (Second Row), but none for the Upper Tab!
The Extension Upper and Lower Tab Options give you flexibility of setting either of the two tabs. You can also set it to remember the Last Selected Tab, so the next time you visit the Contact Record, it will automatically go to the tab.
The “Automatically Click on Tab When Mouse Pointer is Over it” option allows you to save clicking on tabs, by just hovering the mouse pointer over the tab instead. You can specify the delay in seconds in automatically clicking on the tab.
General Tab
The General Tab Options allow you to setup the Duplicate Email Checking options, and change the appearance of the Tags List.
These two options allow you to control the behaviour of how the Duplicate Email Checker works in the Contact Record. By default these options are off, because they will need an API Connection set up first to make them work.
The option “Check for duplicates on Email Address (1,2,3)” will make the 3 Email Address fields check for any duplicates. You need to set the cursor in the box, enter the email address, then tab out (lose focus), so that the check can be conducted. The result of the check will appear underneath the Email field as shown in the 2 examples below. You can click on the numbers in blue to open up their associated contact records.
The option “Check for duplicates on Email Address when Contact Record is shown” will immediately conduct the Duplicate Email Address check when the Contact Record page is shown. Note, this will delay the opening of the page slightly as it will require an API call to be conducted.

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