Opportunity Record

The Opportunity Record Options allow you to adjust the Auto Tab and File Box Features.
The “Automatically Click on Tab When Mouse Pointer is Over it” option allows you to save clicking on tabs, by just hovering the mouse pointer over the tab instead. You can specify the delay in seconds in automatically clicking on the tab.
File Box
The File Box Tab Options allow you to Download All Files, Delete All Files, or Preview the Files in a Hover Popup or embedded into the Page. NOTE: The File Box can currently only preview these file types: .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .html, .png, .tiff, .txt
Show Download All Files Button – Adds a button to allow you to download all the Files in one go.
Show Delete All Files Button – Adds a button to allow you to delete all the Files in one go.
Change Delete links to immediately delete file – This will make the Delete links go Red. If you click on them, it will immediately delete the file with no warning. Show File Preview Hover Popup – When hovering over the “Download” link for the file, a popup will appear showing you the file.
Show File Contents within Page – Enabling this option will embed the contents of the file within the Attached Files Table. NOTE: If you do enable this option, the page will take longer to load, depending on th

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